

There is no greater motivator in life than joy.  When we do something that makes us feel good, joy bubbles forth to ignite the yearning for more of the same.  Joy is healing, it’s celebration.  It transcends barriers and allows us to be truly ourselves.  It has an intensity about it all its own. It helps us experience life full-heartedly.   My suggestion? Do more of what you enJOY and keep filling your happiness tank.

  • have a good laugh.  The pee in your pants and cry and hold your sides kind! You may need a to massage your cheeks later, but the massage you’ll just have finished giving your heart will have been worth it.
  • seek emotional connections.  A chat with a friend, a good long hug with a loved one, an afternoon of play with a child, a snuggle with your pet….
  • give more of yourself in things big and small.  It doesn’t really matter if anyone else appreciates or gets what you do, knowing that you did your best at a task at hand will always feel great!
  • sweat the small stuff. Go hard at it on your next workout! Let those armpits ripen and release whatever is nagging at you.  If it’s bothering you, it’s not worth carrying.
  • do something that makes you lose track of time. Always a sure sign of fun:)
  • participate in new activities that take you out of your comfort zone.  When we overcome awkwardness and feelings of uneasiness to successfully acquire a new skill, the confidence boost can be exhilarating.  Personally, I’m happy to know I summoned the courage to try, success is simply a pleasant surprise.
  • speak words that are encouraging and worthwhile.  Keeping positive doesn’t mean spewing empty flattery, it means you made a point of noticing the beauty and goodness in others and are courageous, nice, kind, caring, and supportive enough to share it. See?

And on a parting note, allow me to bring in Webster:

Joy -the Greek word for joy is chara (Antonym: anx­i­ety and worry).  It comes from the word charis, which is derived from the word we know as ‘grace.’ The wonderwall here is that charaor, or joy is borne of the Divine Grace within each of us. Need I say more?


7 thoughts on “Joy-full

  1. This is a worthwhile cause, blog and web site. I enJOYed reading this post and checking out your web site. Thanks for stopping by my blog “Discover & Create” and “liking” The Warrior. True and deep joy indeed equals Divine Grace – love that thought.
    Thank you for it 🙂


  2. Beautiful blog and entry 🙂 Thank you so much for checking out my blog! I am following straight away, love your positive attitude towards life!
    Love, Anna


    1. Hi Anna, thank you for the wonderful feedback. I love the picture on your blog “you and me” , your lovely energy comes across your every page. So happy to meet you…thanks for stopping Seedlings of Hope.


      1. Thank you so much! It’s a wonderful compliment for me, it really means a lot 🙂
        Wish you all the best and look forward to talk to you some more! Love, Anna


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